Grange Woodbine Environment Group
The Environment Group is a sub-group of the GWRA Residents Association. Our Group has been in existence for many years, almost as long as the Residents Association itself. Since the beginning, we have worked in conjunction with Dublin City Council and have highlighted many issues in the two estates to include broken footpaths, damaged trees, broken street lights, overgrown hedges which impede the footpaths graffiti and illegal dumping in the area.
In 2012, it was decided to enter our Group in the North Central Area Neighbourhood Awards, which are run by the Dublin City Council on an annual basis. In this regard, we purchased a number of flower boxes and we were also gifted some more by Dublin City Council. To date, we have planted out 25 flower boxes between the two estates and several flower beds this work is done twice a year. We also enter the Tidy Area Competition held in the Springtime by Dublin City Council.
Annually we organise our local Community Clean Up Event in the autumn to gather the leaves and berries that have falling on the footpaths and kerbs this is a great way for our community to do something for the environment and the neighbourhood in which they live. This effort shows the great community spirit that exists in the Grange/ Woodbine Area, and without the support and help of the residents our neighbourhood would not look so clean and colourful.
If you have any concerns about an environmental issue in your area, please contact any of the Environment Committee members who are listed below:-
Grange Park
Sheila Fogarty 0868919791
John Ryan 0872225760
Christine Hatchard 0863003504
Nuala Stynes 0863504801
Brian Flynn 0860718177
Frances O’Neill 0863289115
Any concerns notified to the committee will be fully discussed and if necessary will be brought to the Bi-monthly forum meetings which we attend with Dublin City Council. We are always looking for help and would welcome new members, if you can help please call any of the phone numbers above.
Paddy Heffernan receiving Award for Community Effort from Coilin O'Reilly Director of Services Dublin City Council and Aileen Doyle Community Development Officer. Paddy was being honoured for the very significant work he has done over the years in keeping Grange Park Clean, Tidy and Colourful
Also in attendance at the event were a number of residents from Grange Woodbine